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Guy Pignolet (CNES), Hélène Serveille (France Telecom), Patricia Orvieto (JPO Formation)
The document was presented at
the 47th International Astronautical Congress
Beijing, China, 7-11 October 1996 -Reference IAF-96-P.2.05
The "Project Management Method" is a powerful and efficient way to do things, which is used in the development of WPT systems, but which is also applied and applicable in many occasions of the professional and personal life. The "Science Sainte Rose" team of educators proposes highly efficient training workshops for a first approach to the method.
You will find here the full abstract of the paper plus the first paragraph of each section, with illustrations :
1) Introduction : a reference document - 2) History of Project Management - 3) Objectives of this document - 4) Business Projects at France Telecom - 5) The Project Management Method as applied in a school environment - 6) Project Management is a powerful tool - 7) Basic techniques for Projct Management - 8) The role of the Project Manager - 9) Conclusion : teaching and using the methods for Project Management
To receive the full original document (130K) or information on the training workshops, please request by emailing at :
This document is meant to serve as a BASIC REFERENCE for the persons who intend to teach or develop the use of Project Management methods.
The space era has brought to the world not only launchers, satellites and space stations, but also a powerful and efficient method for conducting programs : the "Project" management method, which can be summarised as a combination of a strict calendar grid with PHASES and CHECKPOINTS with a few basic behavior rules. It was initially developed for the Apollo project, it then spread with great success through the entire space industry and eventually to other fields of the industry. There is an important need to present and teach the method, to industry managers as well as to the school community.
In terms of education, "Project" management is challenging, and the two dual aspects are developed in this document, with actual examples of application : how is it possible to teach and develop "Project" methods within an industry organisation ? how is it possible to use "Project" methods to help the management of educational programs ? Examples are drawn from the recent history of project management at France Telecom, and from cooperative programs between CNES and French high schools, with a presentation of the problems encountered and how they were managed.
"Project" management methods are powerful and EFFICIENT, but still new in many respects, and therefore subject to defensive attacks from the more traditional community. It is necessary that projects have an overall protection shell while they are under development. And also, there is a need for careful individual career management, especially during the transitions periods between projects.
A DESCRIPTION OF THE METHOD is given, where the calendar grid is divided into major phases, punctuated by formal reviews. The importance of modular organisation is stressed. BASIC RULES are given, concerning a few important "don'ts" that have to be observed : do not rush ahead, do not look back. THE ROLE OF THE PROJECT MANAGER is explained, with special attention to leadership and team operation.
1- Introduction
"You must begin by knowing that you have already arrived... ". This excerpt from the teachings of Chang to Jonathan Livingstone Seagull may summarise the essence of "Project" Management methods : the "trick" is to view the project all at once across space and time, from whatever resources you have when you begin, in terms of time, people, tools and finance, to the concrete final goal which you have fully defined well in advance. This document is meant to serve as a BASIC REFERENCE for the persons who intend to teach or develop the use of these Project management methods.
Quite often, in earlier philosophies of management, project leaders tried first to define their goals with great details, then went to evaluate as precisely as they could the cost and financial resources needed to complete their project, and then began struggling and sweating to collect the resources. Do we have the money to do what we want was often the basic question, and most of the energy was often spent fighting for the budget.
In the Project Management method, a clear but simple goal is given, leaving the details to later developments in the organisation of the projects. Then the available resources are quickly assessed in terms of budget, technical environment and manpower. If the project appears feasible within the envelope of these resources, it is then started, and the basic struggle is to keep the project within the given envelope. With this approach the risk is limited and professional success almost always guaranteed.
2 - History
On the 24 May 1961, the President of the United States, John. F. Kennedy, launched one of the largest human endeavours when he told America and the world :
" I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon. "
At the peak of this great effort, some 400 000 persons were working together to ensure the final success.
It was such a huge enterprise that, may be for the first time in history, some people at NASA asked the question "is there a way to organise such an operation better than just push the wheel as hard as we can and hope for the best".
The answer was the Project Management method, and the success was there in the end to validate the process basically consisting of a combination of well defined PHASES along a strict calendar with formal CHECKPOINTS. In addition, a few behaviour rules were found to be both useful and necessary to guarantee the success of the method...
3 - Objectives of this document
Project management is now a well known method, supported by many professional seminars. However, much of the literature is for well trained specialists, and it is often not too easy to find documents on the basic essence of project management principles. This document aims at educators and human resource managers who wish a first level general approach to project management as a guide before introducing the method in their work environment...
4 - Corporate Projects at France Telecom
The creation of a specific communication system for the Winter Olympic Games in 1992 was one of the first full applications of project management methods at France Telecom. In 1993, the French national communications company initiated a process to develop the use of the "project" approach within the organisation4. The decision was taken at the top level of the company. The objective was to train the different groups of the company as well as external contracting companies for project management methods and to train future project managers in view of a general use of the method...
Strategic changes
Collective learning
Operational support
A new culture
- Project Management is a succession of phases separated by "check-points". There are usually 4 phases, but the number is not critical, and depending on the specificity of the project, there could be 3 or 5 or 6 phases. The check-points serve to verify if the "contract" for the ending phase has been fulfilled, and to define the new contract for the beginning phase.
- The "rules of the game" and the corresponding "check-lists" must be built by consensus between all the actors of the project, and be approved and supported by the executive authority.
- An "envelope" of resources (human, technical, financial) is evaluated and allocated at the beginning of the project. Controlling time is fundamental for the success of project management. Control of the project is made by "skimming" the functionalities when the schedule becomes tight. Time control is the key to budget control.
Time control is the key to the success of project management,
but in a "live" situation, "set" dates
for check-points sometimes have to be shifted
to account for strong externalities...
Projects and hierarchy
Project management culture is not the usual culture of usual "decision makers" in hierarchy structures. The difference can be perceived as a menace and become a source of occasional hostility.
Traditionally, decision makers like "to know all the elements" beforehand, then they decide and give orders. In Project Management, the role of executive authorities is essential, in initiating and supporting the project. But in terms of operational decisions, their role is no longer to "make" decisions, but to approve decisions which have been made by the project structure.
A "matrix" organisation to interface
hierarchy and project management...
The monitoring structure will protect the actors of the project in the initial phases, take actions to get hierarchy authorities involved in the project, and report on the development of the project...
A "live" situation
5 - A Marseille School Camps on the Moon
Since 1985, the Youth and Education Department of CNES has worked with more than fifty school groups in France to initiate workshops on space habitat. In the beginning the idea was to develop the awareness about the space environment among the students, but over the years it appeared that the main benefit from the workshops was the acquisition of the project management methods, by teachers and students alike. In 1994-1995, a year long workshop was organised in a Marseille school, as a cooperative program between CNES, the non-profit training association JPO, and the school...
20 oct. 94 Phase "sauvage" : constructions de maquettes par petits groupes
10 nov. 94 Phase "sauvage" : présentations mutuelles premières maquettes
17 nov. 94 Avant-projet : discussion et information (demi-groupe)
24 nov. 94 Avant-projet : discussion et information (demi-groupe)01 déc. 94 ======== Revue de Lancement du Projet
08 déc. 94 Phase A : définition détaillée du projet et des modules
15 déc. 94 Phase A : mise au propre de la définition détaillée05 janv. 95 ======== Revue de Définition
12 janv. 95 Phase B : planification - attribution des modules
19 janv. 95 Phase B : planification - choix des matériaux
26 janv. 95 Phase B : planification - organisation de la fabrication
02 févr. 95 Phase B : mise au propre des méthodes de fabrication
09 févr. 95 Phase B : mise au propre des listes de matériaux
16 févr. 95 Phase B : mise au propre des plans des modules23 févr. 95 ======== Revue de Plans
16 mars 95 Phase C : réalisation de la maquette
23 mars 95 Phase C : réalisation de la maquette
30 mars 95 Phase C : réalisation de la maquette
06 avril 95 Phase C : finition de la maquette
13 avril 95 Phase C : finition de la maquette20 avril 95 ======== Revue de Fabrication
11 mai 95 Phase D : élaboration du document de présentation
18 mai 95 Phase D : mise au propre du document de présentation01 juin 95 ======== Revue de Présentation Finale
Freedom of action within a set calendar frame :
in each phase, expansion of possibilities...
closing in towards realities..
Hesitation and hopes
Fear of the unknown
Lost into freedom
Coasting along
Deadly temptations
On the road to success
Bringing the method home
6 - Project Management is a Powerful Tool
A powerful and competitive tool
But a fragile process
Individual consensus
And individual protection
A all-winners strategy
Project management is a very efficient way to conduct operations, because it is designed to reduce risk while taking most benefit from inherent synergies.
7 - Project Management : Reference Basics
A BASIC DESCRIPTION OF THE METHOD is given here, where the calendar grid is divided into major phases, punctuated by formal reviews. The importance of modular organisation is stressed. The basic rules concern important "don'ts" that have to be observed : go forward, do not rush ahead, do not look back...
What is a "project" ?
Distinct successive Phases is key to management
There are usually four main phases in a project, plus two more phases, that do not belong to the "project" proper.
_ phase 0 (zero), or pre-evaluation phase
_ phase A, or definition phase
_ phase B, or planning phase
_ phase C, or production phase
_ phase D, or finishing phase_ phase E, or exploitation phase
Formal Reviews
The primary goal of reviews is to clearly indicate change between the different phases. At the reviews, written documents should be presented, which are both a "summary" of what has been made during the previous phase and the agreed "contract" for the following phase. External persons and organisations are invited at the reviews to "witness" the progress of the project and to force clear and complete expression from the participants...
Time allocation is fundamental
Stick to the phase you are in
No rushing ahead
No coming back
Warning : project killers !
More than often, "better" is the enemy of "good". A strict respect of the specificity of each phase is more than important : it is essential. A violation of this rule implies a fatal discontinuation of the "project method" and a return to earlier, less efficient management methods.
The world is full of projects that died because someone said with enthusiasm : "This will save time" or "I have a better idea".
Modular design with simple interfaces
Project Management : Linear form presentation :
Project Management : "V" form presentation :
8 - The Role of the Project Manager
Vision and leadership
Custodian of the method
Team work
In the project method of management,
the Project Manager is not and should not be a "director".
Decisions should in general be the result
of team work.
The role of the project manager is to coordinate the activity of the team,
to formulate the decisions taken by the team, and to organise the reviews.
9 - Conclusion
Project Management is the scientific art
of turning realistic dreams
into dream realities...
and it can be taught . . .
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